Tokuteiginou (SSW)

Tokutei Ginou (SSW) is a specific skills scheme that aims to accept foreign nationals with certain abilities and skills in the sector struggling industry generate domestic labor income. This program was inaugurated in April 2019.

6 keuntungan Berpartisipasi dalam Tokutei Ginou (SSW)

Relatively cheap departure costs

Tokutei Ginou departure fees are relatively cheap compared to internship programs.

Can Change Companies

Can change companies in the same field. It is possible to change fields if you have a certificate of ability in the target field.

Can Bring Family

Can bring family after 5 years or use Tokutei Ginou 2 go visa. Can even bring children.

Longer Contract Time

Compared to the internship program or Ginou Jisshusei, Tokutei Ginou has a longer work period, namely 5 years.

Wider Age Limits

Tokutei Ginou has a wider age limit. In fact, even those over 35 years old can work as long as they have the required certificate.

Opportunity to Have a Permanent Resident Visa

After you have lived in Japan with a Tokutei Ginou Visa for 10 years, you can obtain permanent residency with the applicable terms and conditions.

Available vacancies

Caregiver or Kaigo

Terms :

  1. Male or female
  2. Maximum age 18-30 years
  3. Min. Vocational School of Health or D3 Nursing
  4. Physically and mentally healthy
  5. Not tattooed or pierced
  6. Has no criminal record
  7. Have a Japanese language proficiency test certificate equivalent to N4 and SSW
  8. Ex Ginou Jisshusei if you want to continue tokutei ginou in the same field